Lynda's Blog

Sandra Jones: What's Your Favorite Weapon of Choice for Your Character?

I want to welcome Sandra Jones to my site today. She is writing about what fascinates her about weapons. 

Choose Your Weapons

What’s your favorite weapon?

I’ve always been fascinated with weapons and people with the skills to use them. I’ve done a little target practice with various guns, but not enough to be an expert. Archery fascinates me, too. But I most admire people who can wield a sword. 

I’m a sucker for a hero with a sword. One of my first memories of going to the movie theater was when my parents took me to see Zorro in black and white, and I was smitten at once. There’s just something about the power and dexterity it takes to wield a sword that I find attractive. My favorite sword movies are: The Princess Bride, The Count of Monte Cristo, Zorro (with Antonio Banderas), and The Phantom of the Opera.

I’m jealous of schools that offer fencing as an activity, because I would’ve loved learning how to do that!

My characters use swords in MOONLIGHT MADNESS, my latest novel, a time-travel romance. The hero is an expert swordsman, and the heroine likens him to a pirate when she first sets eyes on him with the weapon.


Official Blurb for Moonlight Madness

While visiting Wales, Rance Kingsley, Viscount Waldenham, receives a warning that his daughter will soon be kidnapped by Spanish enemies. Before he can aid her, Rance tumbles into a mysterious portal to the future. His only hope is to find his soulmate, the key to returning. However his curse continues when all signs point to Tess Hartman, a straight-laced teacher, as his match. After a cheating boyfriend, the only male Tess wants in her life is Dante, a troubled teen she would like to adopt. To bond with the boy, Tess brings him on a class field trip to Britain. But the Shakespeare experience becomes too real when sexy, eccentric Rance seduces her. When Tess falls for Rance’s kisses and travels with him across four centuries, she’s convinced he’s made a mistake. How could she love a man who deceived her, separating her from everything she cares about, a man with MOONLIGHT MADNESS?



“Thou art madder than I. Or mayhap more brave. The lightning.” Rance pointed to the roiling sky above. 

He held his open doublet over their heads, blocking out some of the rain at his back.

The sight of him, so thoughtful, damp and sexy, set off seismic tremors in her stomach. An earthy masculine scent, his scent, drifted down from the doublet, and its warmth wrapped around her.

“Danté came back inside,” he told her. “Mayhap the rain will be gone soon. Probably by the time we reach the castle if we leave now.”

She couldn’t possibly spend another moment with this much temptation. Already, her fingers curled at her sides, craving to reach out and touch his rippling body, so plainly visible beneath the damp shirt.

She took a deep bracing breath. “Kiss me.”

“What?” Rance’s expression froze. 

“I said kiss me. Now before I change my mind.” She tucked her dripping hair behind her ears and stared up at him in challenge. “You said if I kissed you you’d leave me alone. So kiss me, and then you can go on your way. I’m calling off the trip to Chepstow Castle. I’m soaked and the rain’s not letting up. You can call a taxi to come get you, and you could be back at the theater before the next performance.”

“I did say as much, but art thou sure? Is that what you want, what you truly want?” His gaze dropped to her mouth before floating back up to her eyes. A slight frown formed between his brows.

“Yes. Let’s be done. If all you’re after is a kiss, then do it already—”

His lips stopped hers, cutting off her words and stealing her breath.


Moonlight Madnessis available now on Kindle. All others January 18, 2013.

Sandra Jones is the author of time-travel, paranormal, and historical romances published by Avon Impulse and The Wild Rose Press. She’s worked as a bookseller and a librarian, where she indulged in her love of old books.

When not researching or writing, she enjoys being with family, reading, and watching British TV. A self-proclaimed history geek, she currently lives in a 1905 Greek revival home in the Mississippi Delta. Sandra loves to hear from her readers: visit her website

Do you know how to use a weapon? What’s your favorite weapon?

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