Lynda's Blog
What Robs You of Your Time to Write?
My intentions to stay on track are great or that’s what I like to tell myself. Time management is a balance. A precise schedule that holds everything together. But there are days when no matter what I did nothing worked out and these days would run into weeks. I had to find out what was robbing me of my time so I made a list.
What took up time in my day.
Work, eating, cleaning, feeding animals, laundry, e-mail, blogs and sleep. By the time I got home, cleaned up, ate and worked on e-mails I was exhausted. In my head I had hours during the day to write. Why wasn’t it working out in my real life?
I found an article and it talked about writing out a time log. Spend a few days and jot down everything you do. It worked out great and showed me how I was wasting so much time. So I decided to share.
Preparing and writing your time log
You don’t need to keep writing a time log permanently. It is sufficient to do it for 3-7 days. When you write a time log, make sure you don’t miss even the minor activities. Don’t let your time wasters hide there. Take a sheet of paper and divide it into columns listed below.
- Time
- Activities
- Scheduled
- Interrupted
- Urgent
- People (involved)
Then continue with activities you would normally do that day. On the way, update your time log. Do it either every time you switch to a new activity or at some short time intervals, like 10-20 minutes. Add entries to your “Time” and “Activities” column, and try to put marks like “Yes” or “No” in the “Scheduled”, “Interrupted”, and “Urgent” columns. Where relevant, make short notes on what people you spend time with too.
When you have your time log written, you can move to the most important part, the analysis. Review your records and try to get answers to the following questions.
- What percentage of your time is spent in each of the different areas of your life? How is it divided between Work, Business, Family, Recreational, writing?
- What percentage of your activities are important?
- Are urgent?
- What people you spend more time with?
- What percentage of your activities go as planned?
- What are main interruptions?
Then think of possible adjustments and action steps. For example:
- Are there any activities you can cut back on?
- Is there anything you can delegate or simplify?
- Can you save time by grouping related tasks, like shopping?
Once you see everything you do on paper it will amaze you on how you can add a little more time to your writing.
My time is better spent now on getting my book ready for its release.
Rescued from the Dark, Set to be released end of 2012
Published through Black Opal Books
What if you woke up from a nightmare, trapped in a world of darkness, with no memory of how you got there? Rescued from the Dark is a passionate, gripping story about FBI agent, Jason Michaels, confronting his duty to his country, and struggling with his feelings for a woman with no memory of their love.
Undercover Agent,Jason Michaels, infiltrates the terrorist cell and risks everything, even his life, to save the FBI intern who stole his heart, then walked away. Once Mercy wakes from her coma Jason struggles with the fact that she does not remember what happened, but anguishes with the idea that she believes their unborn child belongs to her ex. Jason soon realizes the terrorists vow to get her back to claim their secrets locked in her memory, no matter what the cost.In a race against time, Jason and Mercy struggle to fight their attraction, and put their differences aside, as they launch a manhunt to save their country and each other.