Lynda's Blog
Persephone's Song Anthology, a Guest Post with Janice Seagrave
Help me welcome Janice Seagrave as she reveals an excerpt from her story featured in
Persephone’s Song Anthology.
I’m thrilled to announce that Persephone’s Song Anthology has been released on Amazon. It includes my story,
Weather Witch.
Weather Witch: Regency Nobleman Lord Godfrey is negotiating for a wife, until Meredith literally storms into the Manor. Then all bets are off as he tries to tempt the tempestuous nymph into marrying him.
Arianna jumped up, pushing her chair back with an ugly scrape. “She’s here.”
“I know, daughter.” Lady Cawyn pressed her lips together into a thin line.
“She’ll be angry.” Arianna fisted her hands and turned toward her mother. “I told you not to do it, Mother.”
“Who will be angry?” Who or what has them so anxious? Lord Godfrey eyed the two frightened women. William, his steward, shrugged.
All at once there came a mighty bang, not unlike the sound of lightning hitting a tree. Thunder rolled overhead. As the sound faded, pounding feet rushed down the outside vestibule. The double doors were flung wide. In a sudden gust of wind the candles blew out. The maids and butler rushed to relight them. Lightning momentarily lit up the room.
A woman in scant clothing stood at the foot of the table, dripping wet, her hair plastered to her head and shoulders. Anger flashed in her stormy expression. Her blonde hair was nearly white as sea foam, and her eyes gray as a rainstorm.
“Old woman, where is my son?” The woman’s voice was husky.
He stood and stared at the apparition bathed in candlelight. Her breasts heaved as she took in great gulps of air.
“Now this woman has fire.” He didn’t realize he’d spoken aloud until every person in the room turned toward him.
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Janice Seagraves
Out of this world stories that will leave you breathless
Thank you for having me on as a guest, Lynda.
I love when heroes are so taken, they forget they're speaking their thoughts. Nicely done Janice. Best luck with the anthology.
Janice, congrats on your release and lots of luck! Excellent excerpt and cover!
Thanks for spending the day with me Janice and I can't wait to read your story. Good luck with the book and all your future stories.
From one of your biggest fans : )
What a great looking cover and I love the excerpt! I wish you much success!!
Hi Rose, Thank you very much for saying so. 🙂
Hi Denise, Thank you. 🙂
Hi Lynda, Your a doll for saying so. 🙂
Hi Melissa, Thank you. 🙂