Lynda's Blog
Letting Go of the Past and Setting Goals for the Future
I am very happy to say good-bye to 2013, and welcome 2014 with open arms.
I saw a lot of changes last year, some amazing and some not so amazing, but I see many more coming in 2014.
I decided not to make any resolutions this year, instead I am setting goals.
In 2012 I had my first Short Story published, Saving Angel in the Wild at Heart Anthology.
In 2013 I had my first full length book, Rescued from the Dark published through Black Opal Books in February
Then in December I had another Short story, The Christmas Contract, published in the Anthology, A Touch of Winter, through Black Opal Books.
Do you see a pattern? One in 2012, two in 2013, now for my Goal for 2014…Publish three books by the end of the year.
I have two in the works.
My first Young Adult, If I knew Then.
And the second book in my suspense series, Last Chance to Run.
Now to come up with my third book…Maybe a medical mystery, Saving JT, or trying my hand at a romantic comedy.
The next year is an open book with blank pages waiting for me to fill them with a story that will grab you from the first page, and hold you on the edge of your seat until the final word.
Every Writers Goal.
What’s your resolutions, or goals for next year?
Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of one of my books, your choice.