Lynda's Blog

Knowing When to Move On

It has been 18 months since I started my journey to become a published author. I remember waking up after an amazing dream, and knowing I had to write it down, and it spiraled from there. I wrote what I thought was a great story. My family loved it, and my close friends thought it was amazing. I was pumped with all there encouragement, so I sent out letters and my synopsis to three publishers, they all asked for the full manuscript. I was dancing all over the house, calling everyone, telling them the good news. Well within a week I heard back with three wonderful long letters about how good the story concept was, but I needed work. I didn’t know how to write. I never knew there was a process, or a concept. I thought you had a thought and you wrote it down. How wrong I was.

I spent over a year taking classes and workshops improving my writing ability, and understanding the Basic English concepts. I hate comma’s still, and tenses still confuse me, sometimes. It’s been a long time since high school and I don’t think I paid close enough attention during class.

I still have a lot to learn, but feel I’m in a better position to present my writing to publishers. I also know that my first manuscript, even after many re-writes, was still full of newbie errors. I’m halfway through my next two, but can’t get past my first one. Can you say a little OCD here? I hate to start something and not finish it, so I fixed it, to my best ability, and sent it back out. While I wait, I’m steadily working on the others, which are better written from all the help I have received from classes, workshops and my amazing critique group.

I heard many times that you will know when to put it down and move on, well I do, but I can’t. I’m going to continue with my series, and finish my contemporary story while patiently waiting for the e-mail that will tell me my first one has finally found a home.

I was told to keep writing, and when you think your finished, write some more. So that’s what I’m going to do. Right now I’m heading back to the computer to check my inbox and if it’s empty, move on to the next WIP.

Saving JT

Amy Wickers was a single mother struggling everyday to juggle her college courses and a very active three year old, JT. Austin, her room mate and best friend, had been there supporting her, and her son, ever since that night. The memories of that nightmare haunt her. The fight, the accusations and the final blow when her family kicked her out, and JT’s father walked away.
Now she must go back to the family that disowned her to save JT. Without their help, he’ll die.

2 Responses

  1. Hi Lynda

    It's a long, difficult road for most of us, and can be frustrating. I'm happy you're still writing and not giving up. From what I've read of your first book, it IS good! For me, even after a book is published, it's never finished, which is why I cringe when i pick up a copy and read, because without fail, I want to revise it yet AGAIN! Can't wait to read your next book!!!

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