Lynda's Blog

It’s My Birthday! Come Celebrate with Me

Happy first Birthday to my writing career.

It was one year ago that I decided to write a book, and what a year it has been. I’ve written the book, revised the book, cut out characters and re-wrote the book. Then I built a website, set up a face book page and even started a twitter account. I thought I was done but boy was I wrong. After taking workshops, editing courses and marketing classes I found out I was just beginning.

I submitted my story to four publishers and they all rejected it, but gracefully. They gave suggestions and wished me luck. No form letter yet, which I saw as a promising thing.

I worked on their suggestions and then submitted it back to a publisher that asked for a revision. Today I found the e-mail from her waiting for me. I was so excited. I did everything she asked and thought my story was exactly what she was looking for. I couldn’t stop smiling while I sat there staring at it, not sure if I wanted to open it. But my curiosity got the best of me and I hit the enter button only to have my smile fade. The first sentence said it all. I finished reviewing your manuscript unfortunately…that’s all I needed to read. Another rejection letter but it was a nice one. She made suggestions, which were good ones, just not what I wanted to hear.

After reading what she wrote I took a deep breath and remembered what one of my critique partners said. She rejected my story, not me, and it was just one publisher. My story has a home out there. I just have to find it.

So I will go through my story one more time, take a closer look at the chapters she requested changes to, and send it off for a professional review before I send it out again.

I’m still a newbie in the writing world and have made some major strides this year. I have one manuscript complete, a second one half way done and two other short contemporary’s outlined with the first chapter complete in both. I participated in NaNo and won, I wrote 56000 words in 30 days. That was a busy month and I proved to myself that this was not just a phase.

I love writing and every rejection letter makes me sad, but just for a minute. Then I use it as a learning tool to make my writing stronger. I am determined to get a contract this year and that means many more long nights of writing. So keep the coffee hot and my cup full, I will need it.

Happy first Birthday to me, the first of many to come.

4 Responses

  1. Hang tough is great advice. I spent the entire year of 2006 (my "first year") attending writing conference ALL over the U.S. I realized quickly how much I didn't know. Writing is much harder than I ever imagined when I jumped into this pool. Then I did the contest circuit for about a year or two. I didn't make my first sell until 2011. It can take a while. One piece of advice…don't keep tweaking the same manuscript. Start something new and put in all the stuff you learned.

    Happy first writing Birthday! 🙂

  2. Happy Birthday Lynda, really celebrate this landmark and know that so many others quit or simply wouldn't allow themselves to reach this milestone. May the next year bring many more accomplishments, congratulations.
    XXOO Kat

  3. Thank you Janice, Cynthia and Katalina. I appreciate the heart felt words and advise. My first year was an eye opener but an amazing journey, and it doesn't end here. I plan on celebrating every small accomplishment, and many more birthdays.
    Thanks again. :}

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