Lynda's Blog

I Took on Editpalooza, and Won!

It has been a very long month, and I can honestly say, I survived.
When I signed up for the workshop, Editpalooza, they said to kiss your family goodbye, and hope someone else knew how to cook and clean because you will have no time for it. Well they were right.
By the time I finished my day job, and then rushed home to get online, do assignments and critiques, my day was done. I was in this pattern for 30 days and I just want to say, it was exhausting, but worth every minute.
This workshop taught me how to look at my novel through a publisher’s viewpoint.
I learned how to critique myself, and boy was that an eye opener.
I learned how to start at the beginning with a read through. Polish my opening, develop my characters, analyze my story line, develop my scenes and wow them with a great ending, and that was all in the first two weeks.
Then it was time for my second read through. Well I had so many changes to my two main characters, that I just finished my second read through and I am past the end of the program. Thank god for an outline so I stay on course.
 I want to send a big thank you out to Libby and Liz, from Savvy Authors, for this great workshop and a big thank you to Janice, Ann, Robin and Tonya, my critique partners, for all their help.
Now I am going to finish my changes, polish my grammar, and do my third read-through.
I’m slow, but I will finish by the end of October, I have to, I signed up for NaNo.
I wrote the first one in two months, why not try to write the second one in one month.
Wish me luck!

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