Lynda's Blog
Help Me Welcome Melisse Aires and her New Release, Starwoman's Sanctuary
I’m so glad you could stop by and spend the day with me today Melisse. Tells us a little about your new release Starwoman’s Sanctuary.
Thank you for hosting me, Lynda!
What if the future turns out –good?
We see a lot of dystopian sci-fi on TV and in movies. Those are often exciting, edgy stories. But would you like to meet the man of your dreams, raise a family– but live in hiding, trying to avoid the zombies? Or the bizarre controlling government’s culling program?
Not me. With a family member with a serious health condition, I already know what instability feels like. It’s not wonderful, and truly does not make me a better person, or bank up any warm memories. The times I cherish are not the hospital waiting rooms, but the family dinners, the outdoor road trip picnics, a card game full of laughs.
The romance genre ends on a HEA or HFN. My sci-fi romance series takes that a little deeper. The universe the Diaspora Worlds is set in is a thriving one. Not a perfect one, but one where most people can find a soft place. There’s hope for a better life, for a real home, a safe harbor. There’s an expansion movement–free land out thar! There’s enterprise, burgeoning technology. Enough food, shelter, work and education for all. It’s not a world for slackers, but hard work does bring rewards.
Of course, in my books, people find themselves in perilous circumstances for a time. That’s when intense emotions blossom, revealing someone’s true nature, showing that they are worthy of love and trust. Everyone wants to love a hero.
In Her Cyborg Awakes, Sabralia face a violent situation. She makes an unexpected and daring plan that sets things in motion so they can eventually have a life worth living.
In Alien Blood, Gema and Kellac choose to work together, not in competition, and reap rewards from that for the rest of their lives.
In Starwoman’s Sanctuary, Skyleen and Kyler live lives of service to others–but in doing what they think right, they find each other.
In my upcoming book, Neon Orchid, Karvar learns just how disastrous it was to go into an arranged marriage, and Flavia knows he’s her only chance at surviving.
None of them have easy times, a relaxing vacation as they find love, but in the end they have a future that that is full of love and fulfillment.
I hope you give the Diaspora Worlds a try!
Melisse Aires
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Stop by and say HI!