Lynda's Blog

Happy Mother's Day

Mothers Day has always been a special day for me. When I was a little girl I spent Mothers day making cards and gifts for my Mother, and Grandmother. Then, at a very young age I became a Mother and soon realized what my grandmother meant when she said that the best gift I could give her would be more time.

So when my children asked what I wanted for Mothers day, or even my birthday I always asked for time. 

It took them a few years but they finally got it and instead of buying gifts we would plan a day of activities. Some years we went to the Zoo, others the beach or just stay at home and watch a movie. It never mattered as long as we were together.

As time went on, and the kids grew they tried to buy gifts, but we always went back to the same thing, just spending time together. 

Now I have Grandchildren and they made me smile when I heard them ask their parents what they wanted for their special day and my children told them just time.

Have a very special Mother’s Day and I hope you get exactly what you want…more time with the ones you love.

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