Lynda's Blog

Hackers Beware

We are so dependent on technology today with our smart phones, smart tablets, and just plain smart tech toys.  

 Its made our lives easier with mainstreaming our mail, social networks, books, everything we will ever need we carry in our hand, until someone invades our privacy and shuts us down.

Hacked, what a frightful word and one that shut me down for 8 days. I woke to many distraught messages of a virus in my e-mail. I did everything I thought I was supposed to do but it was too late. It released a virus that ate through my computer, attacking all my files. I felt lost. I had no way to contact anyone because all my information was locked inside my computer.

After painstakingly going through everything, then re-loading my computer software I am finally back up and running, just without a lot of my files and programs. I researched for the best virus scan and feel I got one that will be with me 24 hours a day to stop anything from trying to attack me again.

I am going to re-vamp my blog. I will have new posts with surprise guests and prizes to be won so check back for more details on my new book, Rescued from the Dark. And for updates on the progress of the new books I’m writing. My next suspense, Last Chance to Run and my YA, If I knew then. 🙂

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