How Life Gets in the Way
I always thought when I turned 60 my life would be winding down. Getting easier, and I would be traveling more. Well, that’s not how things are working out, and I’m okay with that.
Achieving a Goal

I have a bucket list. It’s filled with things I want to do, places I want to go, and events I don’t want to miss in my life. I get to mark off two things on my list this month.
A New Beginning

2017 ended rough, and 2018 started out with many personal hills to climb. I feel my family is finally on the mend so I’m starting over. Let’s Celebrate the New Year.
Ending the Year with a Bang

I, for one, will be glad to see 2017 leave. This has been a hard year for me, but one not worth spending too much time crying over.
Welcome to NaNo November

I have a big goal to reach this month. I’m going to finish two books. Yes, I said two. My word count for the two will be 70,000. I know, pretty crazy, but I think I can do it.
There’s a Chill in the Air… Can You Feel it?

FALL…my favorite time of the year. The air is cool, The leaves are turning and my favorite holiday is right around the corner Halloween.
Bad Reviews, Oh My – What’s a Writer to Do?

Ever get a bad book review? Every author has. What to do? Can you do anything? Should you do anything? Want my advice? Here it is for what it’s worth.
Help Us Welcome TJ’s Virtual Book Tour featuring Kyra Dune

A woman on a mission. Bound and determined to bring a criminal to justice, Quicksilver will chase him across dimensional space to do it.
Fairytales, Folktales, Fables!

Several years ago, I travelled to my childhood home in the Czech Republic and raided my bookshelves in hopes of loading my treasures into a suitcase and bringing them with me to California.
Help Us Welcome L.T. Kelly hosted by TJ’s Virtual Book Tour

L.T. Kelly lives in rural Lincolnshire with her husband, two children and a mentally unstable Cockapoo named Mylo.