You Can be the Light to so Many in the Dark

If you gave mental anguish a voice, what would it be? Would it be angry, controlling, or a cry for help? There is no wrong answer. It could be all the above, or just a darkness that swallows your soul.
Our Eyes: The Windows to our World that We Destroy a Little Each Day
Lynda’s Blog Our Eyes: the Windows to our World that We Destroy a Little Each Day As I got older, my eyes got weaker. Something I blamed on age. It never crossed my mind that it was my lifestyle. Boy was I wrong. I went to the doctor, and had an eye opening experience. No […]
MS Doesn’t Mean Mental Slug
Lynda’s Blog MS Doesn’t Mean Mental Slug As my sister battles with Multiple Sclerosis I decided to read up on treatments, therapies and basically what other people thought about it. What an eye opener. The labels people put on others just amaze me. MS effects the whole body. It doesn’t discriminate against anything so the […]
MS Monday: Why I Would Give Up Everything for my Sister
Lynda’s Blog MS Monday: Why I Would Give Up Everything for my Sister As a writer I research a lot of events, places and different life styles for my stories. But when my sister was diagnosed with MS my research took on a whole new meaning.I searched the web for anything that would make her […]
What Does a Person with MS Have in Common with a Writer?
Lynda’s Blog What Does a Person with MS Have in Common with a Writer? Mental shut down When you have MS your mental capacity is limited on some days. Weather it be from medication or the effect of the disease on the brain itself you just feel like your brain shuts down. This is also […]
Multiple Sclerosis and Balance: What’s a Person to Do?
Lynda’s Blog Multiple Sclerosis and Balance: What’s a Person to Do? MS Monday was a little late this week because of a balance issue. So this will be MS awareness on how to balance on your feet and in your life.Our world is a balancing act. Some of us are great at it and some […]
MS Monday: When Life Seems to Get too Hard
Lynda’s Blog MS Monday: When Life Seems to Get too Hard Multiple Sclerosis has changed more than just my sisters life, it has altered mine also. She was diagnosed in 2006 and I never realized the impact it made on her everyday life until about a year ago. She went into a crisis and ended up […]