You Can be the Light to so Many in the Dark

If you gave mental anguish a voice, what would it be? Would it be angry, controlling, or a cry for help? There is no wrong answer. It could be all the above, or just a darkness that swallows your soul.

What Happens When Life Gets in the Way

My writing was my passion, my escape. I loved to get lost in the characters lives. It helped me escape some of the madness in mine. I would listen, and sympathize, as authors talked about writers block that plagued them.

Help me Celebrate International Authors Day

Lynda’s Blog Help Me Celebrate International Author’s Day Hosted by Debdatta Dasgupta Sahay  We all start with a dream. A love of reading, and a passion for writing. I know my love for reading started young. It was my escape from life’s demons. But my dream of becoming a writer came many years later and […]

Abuse Shouldn’t be a Part of Someone’s Past. Be the Voice that Gets Heard

Lynda’s Blog Abuse Shouldn’t be a Part of Someone’s Past. Be the Voice that Gets Heard A Child should be seen, not heard. Who truly believes that? I don’t. Children have a voice, we should encourage them to use it. Not hide behind their silence. Abuse comes in many forms. The most visible, physical. The […]