Lynda's Blog

C is for Cookies, or Cake. Can You See a Pattern?

My family would tell you that this is my motto, and I totally agree. I truly believe cookies have special powers, and absolutely no calories. 

When I was younger my favorite memory was helping my Grandmother bake cookies. I always got to lick the beaters, and eat the first cookie.

When my children were little cookies healed everything from a skin scrape to even a broken arm. No kidding, My son fell out of the tree and said his arm hurt, it looked fine and he was moving it so I asked him if a cookie would make it feel better and he said yes. Well the next day he said his arm hurt and asked if he could have another cookie. His arm wasn’t swollen, but he wouldn’t move it so I gave him a cookie and took him to the doctor. To make a long, embarrassing story short. His arm was broken and my guilt gave him all the cookies he wanted.

So for my mental health at the end of each day I have a hot cup of tea, and a plate of cookies. When I receive bad news, like a rejection letter or a bad critique, I have a plate of cookies. Can you see a pattern. 

Cookies heal everything from broken arms to broken hearts. So if you feel down, and life gets in the way of you having a great day, have a plate of cookies, and smile.

The magical powers will relax you, and the world will be a great place once again.

Tomorrow will be another day so stop by and see what I think D should be.

Thanks for stopping by.

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