Lynda's Blog
Help Me Welcome TJ's Virtual Book Tour as We Highlight Agatha Rae
Agatha Rae, (real name Joanna Bogusławska) lives in the beautiful city of Gdynia in Poland. A co-author of ESL books, and a collection of essays analyzing popular culture, she made her fiction debut in 2013 with a novel “Oenone”. Her articles have been published both in English in Polish in numerous magazines, for example: Forum for World Literature Studies or The Teacher.
A huge fan of Canadian rockers The Tea Party, cinema-goer, CD-collector and a proud owner of the cutest and coolest mutt on the planet, who is trying to put together a Charles Bukowski PhD (Agatha, not the mutt, the mutt decided to quit her education and focus on searching the purpose in life). Agatha is currently working a novella Don’t Close Your Eyes and the second volume of Tangents for Firefly and Wisp and two ESL projects for Polish market.
Rick is a successful writer living in New York City. Anna has just lost her job as a college teacher in Boston. Dan is a frustrated insurance agent from London, and Matylda is a Polish girl scout getting ready to settle in Madrid. One day, they fall asleep and when they wake up in the middle of some mysterious woods, they have only one thing in common – they all want to return home.